Product ID A4703
Type Natural solid opal (Type 1)
Variety Welo opal
Opal weight 27.3 ct
Body tone n.a.
Transparency n.a.
Play-of-colour Red-multicolour
Brightness 5
Pattern Flashfire
Shape Freeform
Face Medium dome
Opal size 25.2 x 19.4 x 10.6 mm
Origin Welo province (Ethiopia)
Note ABSOLUTE TOP-QUALITY OPAL packed with the most brilliant NEON colours!!! Welo opals come from the Welo province (also spelled Wollo or Wolo) in Ethiopia. Most Welo opals are hydrophane opals with a porous microstructure. Usually when immersed in water they soak up about 10 percent by weight of water and turn more transparent while the play-of-colour becomes weaker. When removed from water and allowed to dry it takes about 1 to 6 weeks until they regain their dry appearance. Do not force drying. During drying a few stones steadily return less transparent while most other stones first turn less transparent (white) and later become more transparent again. Therefore we recommend to avoid contact with water and other substances like cosmetics, soap and detergents etc. The provided description and pictures apply to the stone dried in the open air.

Price: CHF 2299.00
Plus CHF 15.00 worldwide shipping & insurance flat rate per shipment.
For Swiss and Liechtenstein customers plus 8.1% Swiss VAT.

Opal A4703 - Image 1
Opal A4703 - Image 1

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